COVID-19 Webinar: Cybersecurity for Business

AustCham Korea was pleased to host the ‘Cybersecurity for Business’  webinar, on Tuesday, July 28, 2020. To give insights on the topic we had Dr Amani Ibrahim, Senior Lecturer (Cyber Security) at Deakin University, as well as Jo Billing and Stella Voules MAPS, Directors and Co-CEOs of JOST & CO, present their ideas.
The webinar started with an introductory presentation from Dr Ibrahim, giving an overview of #cybersecurity issues and the impact of COVID-19’s digital transformation on the cybersecurity space.
To give practical insights into how businesses can implement cybersecurity policies, the second part of the discussion, run by Jo Billing and Stella Voules,  shared tips on how to build a cybersafe culture within your team.
To wrap-up, there was a Q&A session answering pre-submitted questions and those submitted by attendees during the webinar.