AustCham, Defence Language Students and Griffith University Intern Engages in CSR Soup Kitchen

On Monday, November 14, the Australian Chamber of Commerce in Korea, AustCham Korea, participated in a Soup Kitchen initiative hosted by the defence attaché of the Australian Embassy in Korea. The group met at the Seoul Senior Welfare Center (서울노인복지센터 – 중앙고령자취업센터) to assist with the preparation and service of meals to disadvantaged community members.

On the day, the Chamber Secretariat, Australian Defence language students and Griffith University intern Anthony Nicholson from Gogozing gave their time to help run the Soup Kitchen, with jobs ranging from serving food to dish-washing and cleaning tables.

AustCham Korea would like to extend our special thanks to Harry Lee from the CSR Sub-Committee for his time and effort in helping organise the event. If any AustCham Korea members are interested in volunteering at the Seoul Senior Welfare Center, please reach out.