Hybrid Internship Global Practical Training Program (HI-GPTP) Graduation Ceremony Hosted at Induk University

On December 21, 2021, AustCham Korea was pleased to join the Hybrid Internship Global Practical Training Program (HI-GPTP) Graduation Ceremony co-hosted by the Chamber, Induk University and KoreaPEN (Korea Practice Enterprises Network).

Participating students demonstrated their dedication and skill as young virtual practice entrepreneurs after 16 weeks of intensive training.

AustCham Korea Executive Director, Rowan Petz, shared his reflections on this important milestone:

“Having signed an MoU with Induk University and Korea PEN in June 2021, the Chamber is deeply grateful to have had the opportunity to deepen our cooperation with education institutions and help open a pathway to global education for Korean students.”

“I have been deeply impressed by the passion and professionalism of the Induk University students and would like to wish them all the best in their future endeavors as proud graduates of the HI-GPTP in 2021”, he said.

AustCham Korea would like to congratulate all the trainees and judges (including several AustCham Korea members, Josh Kim (Globalization Partners), Edward Rimmington (Gogozing Migration), William B. Choi (Posture360) and Jörn Zempel (L’Oréal Korea)), who joined the program.

We would also like to shine a spotlight on the Korea PEN team who worked tirelessly to organise the program – MinJung Kim, Le Linh and Yukyoung Cho.

Photo credit: Korea PEN