AustCham Joins HI-GPTP Interim Report Meeting

On Thursday, October 28, AustCham Korea was pleased to support Induk University and KoreaPEN (Korea Practice Enterprises Network) in the second major event in the Hybrid Internship Global Practicum Trainee Program (HI-GPTP).

AustCham Korea Project Manager, Kate Kalinova, and Business & Administration Manager, YeonJi (Jade) Son, along with other AustCham Members including Josh Kim (Globalization Partners), Edward Rimmington (Gogozing Migration) and Jörn Zempel (L’Oréal), participated in the event as “Board of Directors” reviewing the presentations by Induk University students during the Interim Report Meeting (IRM).

The event demonstrated the continued growth and dedication of the participating students to their projects. The AustCham Korea team looks forward to continuing supporting the program and seeing the development of the two student teams EDA and U-Market (Wooahan Agile Project).